

Catholic Answers

Becoming Catholic is not typically an easy or simple process for those of us that come from a different religious background.  I believe it's often not a "love at first sight" type of conversion, but rather a slow and steady conversion of mind and heart as you learn more about the Catholic Church.

The next series of posts will feature some of my favorite resources for learning more about the Catholic faith.  Whether you are a seeker, looking to examine the claims and teachings of the Catholic Church or a life long member wanting to increase your knowledge or be able to tell others about your faith, hopefully these suggestions will be a great help for learning more.

One awesome multimedia resource out there is CATHOLIC ANSWERS.  When I first started having what I would call "passing thoughts" about possibly becoming Catholic, it amazed me how many times I would turn on the radio while driving and come across a Catholic radio was uncanny.  Now, I always enjoy catching their radio show...and it's on every weekday...for two hours!  Every now and then, they'll run a show where only non-Catholic callers are invited to call in with their questions.  Besides their radio show, Catholic Answers offers an online forum where people can post questions (and answers).  They also have several videos uploaded on their website or YouTube channel.  Here is one of my favorite Catholic authors, evangelist, and fellow Catholic convert, Scott Hahn, on Catholic Answers explaining what is meant by the "New Evangelization":