

The Conversion Two Step

One of the ceremonies that occurs at the beginning of the Lenten period as a Roman Catholic cathechumen or candidate is the Rite of Election presided over by the Bishop. This ceremony invites those present to continue seeking & preparing through the Lenten season to enter the Catholic Church at Easter.

I came across this delightful video, via Team RCIA on Twitter, that showcases the Rite of Election at the Diocese of San Jose and something called the "dancing books" (seen at the end of the video - who said 'Catholicism is boring'?!?)!

Rite of Election 2009 video, Diocese of San Jose (hi-res) from Diana Macalintal on Vimeo.

Although, this video is different from the Rite of Election/Call to Continuing Conversion that I experienced in DC at the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception (see below)- I can tell that the excitement and large numbers of adults coming into the Catholic Church look very similar.

My experience: On Sunday March 1st, 2009, along with my Catholic sponser Andrea, I attended the 9am mass at my parish, it concluded with the priest "sending" us to the Bishop for the afternoon ceremony at 3pm. Typically, this ceremony is held at the Cathedral in one's diocese, BUT here in Washington, D.C. there are SO many adults becoming Catholic, that they hold it instead at the very large National Shrine. TWICE! Very exciting stuff. Thanks be to God, indeed.

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